head> 1770 Getaway Garden Artisan Market | TMF Cake Designs

1770 Getaway Garden Artisan Market

By Theresa Fletcher  •   1 minute read

1770 Getaway Garden Artisan Market - TMF Cake Designs

We love setting up at the 1770 Garden Artisan Markets and being able to share our sweet treats with everyone, meet face-to-face, and enjoy a lovely day at the markets. We usually go four times a year, but unfortunately the April date was rained out. So we’re looking forward to our next market date on 21 July, and we’d love to see you there!

The markets are in the perfect location for a wonderful family day. You can even bring your pet along! Check out the various artisan market stalls, and enjoy a walk around the lovely lush gardens, take in the live music, and try lots of lovely treats (not just mine)! The team at 1770 Getaway, including Elvis and Carla, as well as Mel and the team at Coastal Rush Picnics, do such an amazing job making sure each market is an amazing event. They even host weekly mini markets each Thursday, which are also fantastic to attend!

Some of the regular faces you will see there each week are:

  • La Caravana Cafe
  • The Whole Food Kitchen
  • Life Force
  • And 1770 Limes


Here are all the details you need to know:

  • Next market dates: 21 July,  October and 1 December
  • Where: 303 Bicentennial Drive, Agnes Waters, Qld 
  • Time: 08:00 - 14:00
Stay up to date on the markets and follow 1770 Getaway Garden Markets on Facebook
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